Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fashion Invitation Text

Little Red Riding Hood Costume Carnival Masks

This is my latest creation. Saturday I am angry a lot and as I wrote in Paola on FB, when I'm nervous, angry, sad or not I am calm, I have some incredible bouts of creativity. I really need to create with their hands, to vent, to devote myself to something that distract me from sad thoughts. And so I did a lot of masks Topastro together, I cooked the muffins with chocolate chips for dinner I made hamburgers, french fries and donuts. Lacked only the nutella :-)
And Sunday, as it was wet outside and nuvosolo, I created a cape with a hood to give the children of my friend who recently read the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In the garage was the only piece of red fabric I owned, was used to cover the boxes with dust. I washed and put in dryer. Since liner is dry in minutes. I ironed the fabric and then I decided to use it twice because it was really thin in some places even a little bit worn and stained, but I hid the spots inside the hood.
not I had no idea of \u200b\u200bhow to realize a cap on the net and tried a few pictures of the costume of Little Red Riding Hood. I've found different, but I was inspired in this particular . I first created the cap, not knowing how to create the form, so far I have only made hats Wizard or Elf , I made a couple of rehearsals and then I opted for a square of red fabric , double, and in the middle of the tissue paper to make it hard. I then folded in half and sewed one of the short sides. I knocked over the cap and sewing pink ribbon (salvaged from a bunch of flowers), along the two long edges. I left file a pink ribbon at the end of the two sides of the cap to use it as a belt to secure the cape around his neck.
For the cape I took another piece of fabric twice and I fixed with a pin to the rear base of the cap. In deciding how high to set the cap cloak I made some tests on Topastro and I had to cut away part of the cap because it was too high. The part of the fabric to fix the cap was much larger than the base, was to cover the back and get on his back. To fix the hood I made so many pence.
The pink ribbon I had finished and I used a long strip of pink fabric to create an even border on both sides of the cape. I tucked inside the pink part of the fabric frayed, first and second, I set the cape with pins and then I sewed. Of course, all by hand. I did not put on the bottom instead of nothing, I made a simple edge collapsing on itself the red lining.
It is not my cute Little Red Riding Hood? The hood is wide and very long cape, because the need to also use a girl who six years. Unfortunately I did not even a piece of fabric Scottish pink or red to make the smock worn under the cape ...


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