Thursday, March 17, 2011

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True friendship - Richard Bach

True friendship is not a slave

time and space,

distance material

can not truly separate


Richard BACH

God if you pissed in front of the color purple in a field of flowers, not even you realize.
You mean that God only wants to be loved?
Siiiii! Everything just wants to be loved
dialogue taken from THE COLOR PURPLE

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In women - Jean Paul Sartre

In women everything is heart, even the head.
Jean Paul Sartre

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Silence! Speak Love - JF REGINARD

When Love wants to talk,

reason must be silent.


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Kindness - LAO TZU

Kindness in words

builds trust

kindness in thought

generates depth

kindness in giving

generous love.

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Greed - CICERO

Avarice in old age is foolish:

what's more absurd that accumulate provisions for the journey

when we are close to the goal?


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Success and materialism - GR WHITE

Personal success,

business success,

built on pure materialism,

are empty shells that hide ...

lives full of bitterness.

George R. WHITE

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Imagination - G. LEOPARDI

is the prime source of happiness human.

Giacomo Leopardi

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Truth and lies - Albert Einstein

It 'hard to know what the truth is,
but sometimes it is very easy
recognize a falsehood.

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The dignity of the artist - GK CHESTERTON

The dignity of the artist is
of its duty to keep alive
the wonder of the world.

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Women - Luigi Pirandello

Women like dreams, are never
of how you'd like.

Luigi Pirandello

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willing to die - The Martin Luther King

If a man has not discovered something
it is willing to die
is not worthy of living.
Martin Luther King

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Amor - I. de Kempis

Love feels no burden,
knows no fatigue,
wants to do more than they can,
not be stopped by the inability
because he thinks that everything is possible and allowed.
Love is therefore capable of anything and do many businesses,
and above all feeling,
while those who do not like to surrender and it breaks down.
Love is supervisory and, while asleep, waking.
tired, not tired;
repressed not let you smother;
threatened not crowd but blazes
as high as a beautiful flame,
and safe passes.
I. Kempis

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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History: Italy 150 years

On a shelf in our bedroom-studio-ironing, in the midst of books, magazines, newspapers and much more is my book of the History of IV which has more than 20 years ... Incredible how many years have passed since I attended school and studied.
The period before the unification of Italy was one of those who had aroused my interest, because the book is kept in the house and not in the garage of my parents . Contains notes, sheets and cards with pictures pasted on the pages.
20 years ago I was still at school. Less than 40 years ago, I was just born. 150 years ago by people who fought in Italy was born. There are many things that do not work in our country, so many things I do not like, but today is a day that I remember, as suggested Sybille only good things.
The beautiful coastline of the South, the cities with old buildings, castles, monuments dating back to the Romans .... Our traditions, dialects, honest people. One day in advance: ITALY WISHES!
Even this picture is quite old but I do not remember which date back years. Probably 90s. Taken from my old camera, or perhaps Cervia Rimini ..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Life - Rabindranath Tagore

is that the continuous
wonder to exist.
Rabindranath Tagore

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innocent and reckless .. ,-D - from Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde

In life anything resembling innocence as imprudent.
from Lady Windermere's Fan
of Oscar Wilde

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The intense seriousness - from The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde

L ' intense seriousness

the error is unforgivable

they fall into even the best

people of this world.

from The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

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The Renaissance - from "The Soul of Man under Socialism" Oscar Wilde The true mystery

The Renaissance was great,

why not try to solve social problems,

but instead allowed individuals to develop

freely, according to beauty and nature,

was so great artists and personal

great men and personal.

from The Soul of Man under Socialism

of Oscar Wilde

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- Oscar Wilde

The real mystery of the world is the visible,

not the invisible.

from The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde

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Man Action & Dreamer - Oscar Wilde

action is 'last refuge of those who can not dream.
When we will have fully discovered the scientific laws that govern life,
find that the only person, who has more illusions of the dreamer, is the man of action.
The action is limited and relative, while
Unlimited and absolute is the vision of who sits at home and observes,
of who walks alone and dreams.
Intentions by Oscar Wilde

Monday, March 14, 2011

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I love animals - Brigitte BARDOT

I love animals
why on this Earth
are the only ones who have
the virtue of innocence.
Brigitte BARDOT

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A good marriage - Jean Rostand

A good marriage

would be when

day you forget be lovers of

and night of being married.

Jean Rostand


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If a pain - Simone de Bouva

If pain is taken away at the moment,
can not be said to have ceased to exist;
even in the care with which you try to avoid it.
Simone de Bouva