Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cheerleading Bow And Arrow

As long as the math does not condemn us ...

... we have to stop believing.

Castle Ostiano 1 - 1 Rivarolese

E 'recovery of the first day back, and it plays on the field even though our schedule we played away from home.

Education: Rocca, Di Cesare, Tickets, Lampard, drinking, Bolster, Curti, Vignoni, Filippini, Lazzari, tin

Rocca Rating 6.5: strong party and a parade is more dramatic than necessary, is stark mad when in danger of being stabbed after a lineout in our favor and the fact that (...) is pierced within twenty seconds after a goal kick at the last second of the first half to set the things not to do if you want to get up. Ignored
Caesar's rating 6.5 : is it good the shock wave of central midfield Rivarolese centrally that fit like a swarm of angry bees. Mocked at the goal with grit drag fellow captain's true at forcing the break. Leader

Tickets vote 7.5: If he's the best thing in the field should give pause. During his brilliant football career will find much worse opponents, fattostà that against a team that uses the weapon as the only long ball from defense to see it go head to strike in any part of the field and constantly hit the target is a show. Imperial

Lampard vote 6.5: cement paste with direct opponent and you come off only to return in the locker room. Yet another flawless game of tactical discipline. Exemplary

Potabili vote 7.5: give to Caesar what is Caesar's, because the goal was effectively that's great, but it's a just reward to crown 90 minutes paths tirelessly up and down the track to the left. Airpot wakes up as usual after this season. Bomber

Bolster Rating 5.5: do not need a ball that one but why not get a ball that one. In a game of ping pong ball rather than can not be otherwise. Desolate

Curti vote 6: at times even he does not seem to know exactly which way to turn, but the will to fight and there is almost a goal from a corner. Lending

(6 Ruggeri voting: whether it was maintaining a high competitive level throughout the game, as it does in the final rebellion against an opponent, rather than granting support to head down we'd be talking about another player. Emotional)

Vignoni 5.5 voting: on the right track is a bit ' the figure of the fish out of water. Initially, we must scream out of place for calling back but the tenacity with which they haul in part is welcome. Multifaceted

(6 Sabaini vote: with him in the field, the level of specific ideas about what to do inexorably rises. Urla and also calls at the wrong doing what he should do a real leader at a difficult time. Braveheart)
Filipinos vote 5.5: 's head coach dipped in statements beginning your game in that role would be useful for a few more long balls that we could provide in relation to what was done last Sunday. In reality, that "few" in the field is perceived as an "always" for which the script of the pagellone Giuso is usual, many Sutomore many fights but easily playable balls zero. Impavido

tinned 5.5 vote: the draft of what we saw Sunday in that of Corte de Frati. Play more for himself than for the better-placed team mates sometimes ignoring him, see Thomas comfortably free of presenting face to face with the goalkeeper in the final race. Sure they weigh 180 minutes in three days but is not that he has come to this double date with my legs weighed down by an entire season, far from it. Faded

Lazzari vote 6 : he lacks the speed of thought and leg Lazzari true but can not be otherwise. Shakes off reverential fears fresh knee for the healing of fresh against a team of club in treason. Growing

( Melgari vote 6: what happened to him would be entered in the black book of things to do on a football field and the foul should be taken by the author with a stick in the knees because deep down is went well. So much for scare luck at all. Demolished)

(6.5 Thomas voting: it has five minutes to cut and does it with a punishment that is the deviation of the goalkeeper and a clear scoring opportunity for nuanced the stubbornness of Ivan. Not bad)


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