Friday, July 11, 2008

Upset Stomach Mineral Water

aijiah ITALY! if you write like that!

enjoy a typically Tunisian dish that I ate .... from a Tunisian.

for 4 eggs

-8 -8 -2 tomatoes
prawns (or chicken) -300 ml
dipomodoro sauce (our Neapolitan sauce)
-1 teaspoon harissa (Tunisian hot pepper cream)
-chili qb

-3 -1 onion cloves garlic-parsley


prepare a large pan, sauté garlic (chopped), onion julienne, and diced tomatoes cut, and prawns chopped, to fry for 4-5 minutes, auks add the harissa, then the tomato sauce, add parsley, salt, pepper, red pepper and cook over low heat for 5 minutes at this point lay eggs directly directly in the sauce, when the white starts to coagulate with the help of a fork to break the yolks and continue to cook for another 3 minutes, serve hot.

Tunisian tradition has it that this should be eaten with hot bread, and hands, using a piece of bread.

with bugs! salam lecum to the Brother!


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