Saturday, February 12, 2011

How To Stitich Indian Suits

Topastro did not understand what the Carnival. I think you think it's a day like Christmas. At the nursery they designed and decorated masks and learned a few songs. Today, while playing with the train I heard sing
Tiva tive carnival,
with pepper and salt
the critezza divorces
and arrives arrives arrives ...
Arriva father
dressed as an Indian.
and yelling uuuuhhhhhh
Since kindergarten have already started to do odd jobs, we start with the masks at home! We have created a bit 'of confetti with the machine to make holes in Topastro love it! With the card but we have prepared many masks. I used cardboard to recover almost completely. Boxes of each type, thickness and color. I cut out different shapes and has the Topastro with watercolors and colored with markers. I've helped a little bit because He quickly tires of color.
We had a cloud, a baby jaguar, a mask with the wreath, one with the dots. Even a couple of masks with colorful tissue paper. Our templates are all here, except the one where we attacked the confetti. Do you like? The eyes I cut them with a pair of nail scissors that have a curved tip and then it was easier. The only purchase that I made to make the masks was the rubber band. Two spools of elastic, one white and one black to wear masks.
You have already done some work for Carnival?
We still miss the costume, but I do not know if this year I will buy one or ... Topastro still not very fond of dressing up and the last Carnival once wore a dress Panda that have given us. To put the Halloween costume Magician just enough time to take some pictures. Well, maybe we will prepare a cloak, a sword, a little more ...
I asked more than once Topastro if you want an outfit for carnival, but he said no. Only once has the answer: Well I want to dress like Tea. But I do not think of buying a suit from Ben Ten, to use it once or twice. At the mall I have seen several (Topastro of this character that only knows why talk about it because it gave them asylum and the famous clock that he likes so much), and what they cost less was about 35 Euro ...


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