But because the vast majority of the kitchen above the ignorance? because if someone tries to do something differently is said that Italian cooking is dying? ignorance is an ugly beast, many believe that architects such as the Eiffel Tower is a cag ... I just think that the architect has found the same name with a single element, iron, a form of architecture unique to itself, maybe it's just envy you for having found a property indestructible, in a world where everything is at the mercy of corrosion, many cooks in the kitchen are angry, and they laugh when they see something different from their simple dishes that can not exploit in any way. the pot (finito!) is very important that we must is signed, you have to give a feeling an emotion to the customer, a dish is not ... tiè eat! that I've got a thousand things to do. the pot is the sheet where you write who you are, where you describe your life where you try to communicate, because we're not chefs feed the people, so if you do not mind going to cook at the cafeteria to accommodate the poor but even there you would know make happy those poor bastards, I think that one day I'll do it ....!
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